lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Tourist Center Izapa

Tourist Center Izapa

Ceremonial center to found about gear 1500 b.c. and from gear 600 b.c. It were about a millennium the most big and important civilian center and religious of peaceful plain. to seem mixe-zoque, but situated in the contact with the busy lands for maya groups.

Flora and Fauna:

Beautiful woods, to found with species of caoba, cedro, roble, hormiguillo, guanacaste, primavera o palo blanco, mora, chiche, cedro, escobo, huzizitl, tamehue or quiebra – hacha and zope. Fauna tepezcuintle, armadillo, tuza, tlacuache, puerco espín, pizote, conejo, iguana, mapache, oso hormiguero, tejón, zorra, cocodrilo and caimán (pululo); too svariedad de aves, serpientes y víboras.


1. Walks 2. craftwork buying 3. Hiking 4. Photography 5. Observation



Mtro. Rafael Perez Hernández. Coordinador del Museo Arqueológico del Soconusco. Phones: (962) 62 64173 / (961) 612 8360 mail: / Address: 8th avenue Norte and 3rd Poniente s. num., Center, CP 30700, Tapachula, Chiapas


It´s located to 61 kilometers of the Comitán city for the track of the south border.

How to get there?:

To visit Izapa you have many options for example an international airport a maritime station and a bus station that they´re located in the chiapaneca city of Tapachula. This last you can find to approximately some 15 kilometers to Tuxtla Chico.


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