This ecoturistic center was creating with the purpose of preserve the red macaw
(Ara macao).
There you´ll be able to enjoy the blunt contact with the nature and observe
those fantastic birds.
The height and perennial
jungle itself characterized by trees on the higher stratum are 30 meters high
with straight trunks and branch on top extreme.
In this kind of vegetation there are frequently climbing plants, Epifitas, as
bromeliaceas, araceas, orchids and strangler plants. Among those vegetables
species the dominants in the height jungle are: Canshán, Chicozapote, Zopo,
Guapaque, Caoba, Ceiba, Cedro, Amate, etc.
The wildlife diversity of
Lacandona Jungle is huge,and so many groups of animals its keep not meeting
The species registered are keeping the howler monkey (Alouatta Pigra), squirrels, Deer white tail, deer temazate, Pecarí de Collar(Tayassu tajacu), coatí, gray vixen, tlacuache cuatro ojos, golden Tlacuache(Caluromys derbianus), el grisón(Galicti vittata), crocodile from reservoir(Crocodylus moreletti), crocodile from river(Crocodylus acutus), white turtle(Dermatemys mawei) and the red macaw(Ara macao).
The species registered are keeping the howler monkey (Alouatta Pigra), squirrels, Deer white tail, deer temazate, Pecarí de Collar(Tayassu tajacu), coatí, gray vixen, tlacuache cuatro ojos, golden Tlacuache(Caluromys derbianus), el grisón(Galicti vittata), crocodile from reservoir(Crocodylus moreletti), crocodile from river(Crocodylus acutus), white turtle(Dermatemys mawei) and the red macaw(Ara macao).
Susy Karina Hernández
Tel: 015559054363
Services and fees
Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules
State: Chiapas
Town: Marques de Comillas
Village: Reforma Agraria
can I get there:
From Palenque to Las Guacamayas 260 Km. Droping by: Intersection Bonampak-Las Guacamayas 126 Km. Yaxchilan-Las
Guacamayas 101 Km. Intersection Zamora Pico de Oro-Las Guacamayas 43 Km.
From Comitán de Dominguez to Las Guacamayas. Droping by: Lagos de Montebello-Las Guacamayas 162 Km.
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