domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Biosphere Reservation of Montes Azules

Biosphere Reservation of Montes Azules


Montes Azules has scenaries like jungle, rivers, lakes and archaeological zones of mayan culture that still haven´t been exploring.

It was decreed biosphere reservation on 1978, it includes 300,000 hectares of a huge biodiversity, considered as the most affluent region in species of different groups of animals and plants in Mexico.


This Reserve make up the most extended area of perennial jungle in our country, its conservation is vital to keep our biodiversity and enviromental services.

Among the species of plants the most important are the Cedar tree, Mahogany tree, Ceibas, Amates, Guapaque, Canshan, Guapinol, Baril, Popistle, tinto,etc.


Are registered two unique species of animal in the north otropico of neon: the Armadillo (cabassus centralis)and the larger raiding bat(vampirus suspectum). A considerable number of species are protected by the mexican rules, the most relevants are: the red macaw (Ara Macao), blue head parrot (Amasona Farinosa), white head parrot (Pionus senilis), shrew eagle (Harpia Harpya), black vulture king (sacuramphus papa), aquatic tlacuache (chinorectes minimus), golden tlacuache (caluromis derbianus), crocodile from river (crocodylus acutus) white turtle (dermatemys mawei),etc.

it is a region that still has the larger population of spider monkey (ateles geoffroyi), howler monkey (alouatta pigra), white lips wild boar (tayassu pecari) and the tapir (tapirus bairdii).

Services and fees

There are ecoturistic centers in the surroundings, for example, "las Golondrinas", "Lacanja Chansayab", "las Guacamayas","las Nubes" and "Lacandonia".
The activities that you can practice are:

1.  Kayak
2.  Swimming in the river
3.  Rafting
4.  Camping
5.  Tours on a boat on the river
6.  Pathing
7.  sighting of wildlife

Some archaeological zones are located close there, for example, Bonampak and Yaxchilan.
The costs change in an agreement that is taken to intervene in the reservation. The hotels and the ecoturistic centers have variations on the costs too, depending of the season.

 Montes Azules is located into de Jungle Region, in the Lacandona Jungle, in the basin of Usumacinta river. Its limits are among the towns of Margaritas and Ocosingo

How can I get there? 

Begin in the north part, from Palenque by the road to the south, driving approximately 130 km. until arrive to the intersections Nueva Palestina and San Javier. You can also access from Ocosingo Town going 140 km. to reach San Agustin Town.


Be absolutely equipped is recommendable.

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